Monday, May 12, 2014

Why You Might Want to Learn Spanish – via Vlogger Lindsay Dow

The biggest, most important reason why anyone might want to learn to speak Spanish?
Why, to speak to native speakers of Spanish, of course!

Sometimes people don’t understand “the real reason” I want to learn so many languages. They look at me as if I’m  daft because, well “everyone speaks English.” When I point out the fallacy of this argument they tend to say something like, “well, then they should learn to speak English.” Of course they should. Why put the onus on yourself when you can simply stand around waiting for the rest of the world to catch up with you and what you want, even if it is to simply sit on your couch all day playing video games. Someday this will all catch up with us…Oh wait; it already has done some of that. Unfortunately they haven’t felt the full effects of globalization and an ever increasing global marketplace where a majority of the world is not only hungry (and often quite literally) but also very willing to work and work hard to get ahead. Because it sucks to be poor and it sucks to be hungry and it sucks to be homeless. They will learn English. And then they will take your job for a fraction of what you were making–before the layoffs and the cut backs. Because the nature of business is to make money.

What better way to make money than to cut expenses in the form of cheaper labor and no benefits packages whatsoever? Pay attention people; your life is not nearly as secure and comfortable as you may think it is.

My apologies to any readers who are not in the United States but I’ve seen a lot of changes in the past several decades and most of it has not been good. Unfortunately most people seem content to wear blinders and ignore the reality that is all around them, assuming that the people who are losing their jobs somehow deserve it. Some do but many don’t. Even worse, some employers are hanging on to their worst employees in a subversive attempt to drive good employees away. Because if you have constant turnover, no one gets raises and you can continue to pay new employees less than you were paying the old employees. And with poor leadership who wants to stay and deal with incompetency every single day?

My advice is to learn another language. Spanish is a really good language to learn for many reasons and here Lindsay Dow from “Lindsay Does Languages” tells you about nine of them. Watch her now:

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